

What a wonderful Christmas I had! Did you?

All of the gifts have been opened...I got most everything on my wish list along with other things I wasn't expecting which was very nice. I watched Home Alone, played games, hung out with family, and ate lots of good food. I'm kind of dreading stepping on the scale at the gym this week but oh well - tis the season to enjoy life's pleasures, no? Howard got gifts too!

A new bed that he is totally smitten with, some toys, and a new winter jacket that says 'Top Dog.' Very cute. They were wrapped and under the tree and everything. He's spoiled I tell ya. Spoiled!

One of my gifts was 'Mastering the Art of French Cooking Vol.2' by Julia Child. I can not stop flipping through the pages and reading her words (in a Julia Child like voice mind you) - boy, she took food seriously, didn't she? I was kind of expecting Vol.1 but not for any specific reason to be honest. Just because its the one the movie was based on and...well, yeah that's the pretty much it. Any of you have any thoughts on Vol.1 or Vol.2? I'll probably end up just keeping it....unless you all think Vol.1 is by far the better (for some reason).

Today is Boxing Day in Canada. Much like Black Friday in the U.S. the malls are absolutely insane with heavy discounts and shoppers buying things up. We're talking insane sales with people lining up since 5 a.m. in the morning (perhaps even earlier)! The deals usually go on for at least 1 week...with the best deals happening today. I, however, am completely broke so I will not be partaking in these shopping festivities. And I'm okay with that. I'm still at my mothers house and by late this afternoon (whenever I can pull myself of her sofa and finish my laundry) will be back at home, with some leftovers re-heated on my lap, wrapped up in a blanket on my sofa (with Howard at my feet), devouring not only my mothers oxtails but also 'U is for Undertow' by Sue Grafton. A Christmas gift I can not wait to get into. I'm a HUGE fan of Sue Grafton's novels featuring detective Kinsey Millhone...so much so that last night I mentally added the name Kinsey to my potential list of future baby daughter's names (come on, you have that list too!). If you haven't read one - you simply must. Old school detective work at its finest. Hmmm, perhaps I'll do my next book review on this book.

Anywho-who. Saturday posts aren't the norm for me but I wanted to pop in quickly to say "Hi" and "Hope you're all enjoying your holidays!"


Beauty Is Diverse said... 1

Happy Holidays. I got ready to go boxing day shopping but I can't be bothered to leave my home lol.

ashlina {the decorista} said... 2

merry christmas....
love the tree and presents..


Kara said... 3

Merry Christmas, Kay! :)

If you like the Kinsey books, you should try the Sharon McCone series by Marcia Muller. Same type of book and just as well written, I think.

Mandy said... 4

Merry Christmas! I am glad that you had such a great day. Oh and that Howard had some presents too. We always get my dog presents and wrap then under the tree.

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