
A Holiday & Thank You Giveaway!

Happy Holidays!

As many of you know I'll be moving to India in the New Year (in March to be exact) and have started a new blog From India. With Love. You also may have noticed that postings on this blog have subsequently become a bit....slow and at the end of the year Apt.#412 will be going on temporary hiatus. Come January I'll be in full pre-departure mode for India, throwing my pregnant sister's baby shower (my first niece/nephew!), and just getting a lot of stuff ready and in order.....to be honest maintaining two blogs is the last thing I want to do. I decided to start From India. With Love. to document all of the adventures I will have in India and as sort of a resource for anyone thinking of moving to India (especially women or people of colour) or people who simply plan on visiting India. I'd love for you to join me on my new blog.....

Which leads me to my final Apt.#412 Giveaway which is also a THANK YOU for reading along for the past....15 months.

I'm a huge lover of books - not just novels but books about design (hence this blog)...about travel (hence my new blog)...about photography (which there will be lots of on the new blog)...as well as books that are inspirational...and many other kinds...

SO my giveaway is for ONE WINNER to receive ONE of the following books (winner chooses which book they would like to receive). The books with an asterisk I have read/own (and in the case of the DVD also seen) and 100% vouch for. The others are ones that I would love to own. I think they are all great and would be a great addition to your bookshelf or coffee table....

If you're a design blogger or read Domino then you've heard all about this book...

This is not a technical book per say - what it is is a book about how to make meaningful photos...
especially those of the travel kind - and to help you with your photographic vision...

I've often quoted this book in posts...little short thoughts/lessons that inspire...

Lonely Planet guidebooks are amongst the most popular....
Just in case you're planning on visiting India...

I LOVE colour in homes but for a lot of people it's tough knowing how to inject colour into your space...get tips and ideas from the master of colourful, playful, quirky design...

Most people have heard of this book/dvd...watched the movie this weekend - 
the scenery and colours are stunning...

A really touching book that goes back and forth between India and America.... 

I'm not a fashion blogger or the type that reads fashion...guidebooks...but I flipped through this one at the bookstore and it's one fashion book I'd really like to own.

The new 2010 updated version - filled with inspiring places and things to see...

Now here's how you can win:

- Visit my NEW blog From India. With Love. and comment on ANY POST. Be sure to include: (Apt.412 giveaway some place in your comment) so I know you're entering the draw.

- For a ANOTHER chance to win become a follower of From India. With Love. - scroll to the bottom of the main page and you'll see the widget thingy. (sorry if you already follow you don't get a second entry!)

- For yet ANOTHER chance to win tweet or do a quick post (even a sentence or two) on your blog about this giveaway (and let me know at imnotreallyadiva[at]gmail.com). In the tweet be sure to include @kayinto and a link (http://bit.ly/fcVAQd) back to this post so I know you've tweeted.

And that's it. A few ways to win one of these fantastic books (or DVD)!

The giveaway closes on December 8, 11:59 p.m. EST and the winner will be announced here on Apartment #412 on December 9, 2010.

Hope you enter and good luck!


Lynzy said... 1

Ah, what a great giveaway before the holidays, thanks for the opportunity, count me in ;)


Lynzy said... 2

I am also your newest follower of your new blog :)

Kay* said... 3

Hi Lynzy - Thank you! I don't see a Lynzy as a new follower on FIWL...do you use another name?

dagmara said... 4

The Lauren Conrad book was beautifully produced so it appealed to me too even though I don't really need help in the beauty and fashion dept. It did make me want to try false eyelashes though. It would make a great gift for a teen.

Connie @ SogniESorrisi said... 5

Great giveaway! Off to check out your new blog.

Kenia said... 6

I love your blogs...I just comented on your other blog 'From India. With Love'.

Alex said... 7

Yay. Commented and tweeted :) <3 Hopefully I'll win. I'd LOVE to read Within the Frame. Thanks so much xxx

Jason Hudson Dot Com said... 8

I'm in I'm in!!

Annelise said... 9

Tweeted here: http://twitter.com/#!/25lifestyle/statuses/12726430353858560. I would most certainly go for the Domino book. I miss Domino. :-(

A move to India sounds so exciting! I've wanted to go for such a long time.

Paul Byron Downs said... 10

Gave the Domino Book on Decorating to my sister several Xmas ago. She loves it.


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